hmm... when u have some1 in ur mind.. wat will u do ?
will u always think of him o her ?
will u always wan him o her be by ur side ?
will u always wan to see him o her ?
hmm.. i wonder...
when u have problems, who will u look for ?
father ?
mothers ?
brothers ?
sisters ?
me ?
you ?
friends ?
girl friend ?
boy friend ?
hmm.. i dono...
when u buy a present, who will u 1st think of ?
me ?
brothers ?
sisters ?
girls friends?
boy friends ?
hmm... i think i got the answer...
who will u miss everyday ?
me ?
you ?
parents ?
siblings ?
gf ?
bf ?
hmm.. i know u know my answer...
sigh... i also dono wat am i writing la... today's meter is " LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
means super duper hyper extremely and seriously very low !!! sigh !!!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
wat will u do ??
7:41 PM
hmm.. for the pass few weeks, i feel very happy althou camp stuff getting messy n getting more n more.. but dono why.. working with a bunch of friends make me feeel more warm and make me feel like i'm actually exist in this world.. sound weird huh ? * honestly i feel weird too *
some ppl call it as " emo ".. some ppl called it as crazy.. i dono.. i just feel like i'm nobody in this world and not needed at all.. sigh...
but recently i feel kinda happy and feel like there is some1 for me... i dono my feeling is true o not.. cos i dono wat is the " feed back ".. is it because again i'm giving out on my own ? o is it this time it's from the both side.. hmmm... i wonder.. n i dono.. i dono why i'm being choosen.. cos i'm a lousy guy.. i'm a loser.. i got nothing at all... no money.. no car.. hmm.. i dono... if u read this blog just tell me how ! i really confuse now... 547 days already... i can't imagine i actually counted it..
i feel like i'm lost... lost as in i dono wat to do and dono wat am i talking about and dono wat am i suppose to respon o do... n this only apply when i'm facing u.. why GOD give me such a weird personalilty ? why can't GOD give me a better one and make me a better minded person ?? sigh... i'm confused...
hmm... sometimes time we spend talking together is limited but i treasured each and every single moment of it... i dono why.. time we talk pass very fast and things i wanted to tell u are thousand till i can't finish it.. or should i say i dono how to express it out.. hmmm...
pls.. just don ignore me and don ignore wat i asked and don treat me for granted anymore ok ? hmmm... that's hurt when u did that... hmm...
7:16 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
The LOST camp !!!
this is the coming camp that u all must join !!! u would be disappointed cos there are alot of interesting games and activities waiting for u.. heheh... nevertheless, mayb hot chicks and also smart guys u can know through this camp ya.. wakaka...
for ur information, it's organized by 3 clubs which is table tennis, badminton and flex.. hehe... registration fees only RM 30 for members and non member only RM 35.. aren't it super cheap in this cases ? hehe... why it's cheap ? because it included transports, foods, t shirt, and also a bbq n camp fire night... amazing right ?
so wat are u waiting for ?? come n join us here at The Lost camp... n it isn't all about camp.. it's all about.. u will know when u join.. hehe...
1:40 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
pass one week..
these day keep delaying to update my blog de.. haha.. well.. dono wat to write as well.. :P
well.. the pass one week, i been meeting n meeting n meeting.. n some more sick.. haihz... very heavy flu, cough, sore throat n also fever.. hahha.. sick + go meeting + go sports = i'm a super man !! haha...
oh ya.. i went badminton twice last week n also futsal.. futsal is fun but i dint even score any ball.. huhu... wat i know only use butt to defence.. haha... that is wat cheese said one.. haha.. who else beside me went for futsal ya.. hubert, zhen sheng, tian yih, joshua, cheese, joshua's housemate, shan chai, and zhou,wee meng and ah wee.. hehe.. fun..
while badminton i went with hubert, wee meng, zhi yong, siew lee, yee fan, edmond n weng siong.. n before that we went simply fish for our dinner.. siew lee's right eye like kena hubert punch so it's like panda eye.. dono why.. haha.. jkjk...
yesterday went for a movie.. ball of fury.. it's about table tennis.. but who knows it all crapz... movie grade : 3 stars only.. haihz.. but cannot denied it really funny.. haha...
while i just finish modifying the NS circuit.. just change the arrangement a bit only la.. feel so guilty that i dint did much in this project...
oh ya.. thursday went for game test.. was very tiring at 1st but dono why feel so happy after that.. hahha.. weird me.. :p
some1 is avoiding me.. u know who u are.. hmm... i dono why.. haihz...
i also dono wat am i writing in this blog la.. seem like the arrangement and also the way i write is a bit... er.. dono.. haha.. anyway.. update next time...
4:19 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
sch reopen again !
just today... or now.. MMU life start again. after 3 weeks of " FUN " n " INTERESTING " holiday, finally school start again.. gotta be busy with alot of club events and most important one, studies.. haihz...
plan of the sem :
week 1 : meeting meeting meeting n meeting... haihz...
week 2 : camp
week 3 : cyberjaya close
week 4: study study study n study
week 5 : meet up mum in kl
week 6 : study study study
week 7 : study study n study
week 8 : study and prepare for exam lor.. hahha..
not to forget:
week 1 to week 8 : training and also study la... haihz....
is it all my uni life just for studies and also club ??? can i have some other things ?? sigh...
11:27 AM
past few days...
well.. just last saturday, me, hubert, kia kiet, shan chai, joshua and few more had our very 1st MUET.. just hope that it will be the last as well.. yeaH~ wat question it come out for eassy ? " role model can impact one's life ? " wat a weird and stupid question.. haihz..
after that, me, anne, edmond n hubert went to some pets shop around in malacca to find some hamsters and also guinee pigs.. some1 is going to buy hamsters for some1.. hahah.. not to mention who is that cos scare that might be my last blog here.. hahha.. next time will upload some of the hamsters photo.. hahha...
life have been getting very miserable this few weeks... everything seem doesn't goes like wat i wan and wat i tot of.. sigh... sometimes is better to have one choice than many choice.. cos at last u will end up got nothing.. maybe that why ppl like simple life than complicated life.. haihz...
talking about training.. i have been training for 3 weeks.. instead of improve, i having the situation that is another way round.. haihz.. wat the world is happening to me... i tot it was because of bat problems n i changed a blade n try... seem like it really got some different huh ? but i greatly doubt it's my own problemss.. haihz..
some people just keep on giving me some stupid reason on this and that... does that really matter wat reason u give after u done something already hurt some1 else ? haihz... u think sorry can just be said easily huh ? when u did something wrong u will have to pay for it... just mess around with me anymore !!!
11:13 AM