Thursday, July 31, 2008
Li Ann's Birthday...
5:45 PM
SRC Election Day
every year MMU will sure have their own SRC election day.. SRC election day ? wat is tat actually all about?? SRC = Student Representative Council...
i tot of take some photo about it one.. but then ahh... i forgot to take.. haihz... but i see many bannerssss and poster hang all around campus.. haihz... all poster with the cadidate's photo, their own manifesto, wat they will do ? haihz.. is it all will happened ?
since alpha i heard of all the manitesto and wat they will do. but now i'm delta di ! i still can't see any changes.. all i see things are getting worst.. last year i was totally dissapointed.. so i think this year i will have the same result as well lak !! sigh..
hopefully tomorrow the result will be wat i expected lak !!! yeah !! hopefully !! pray hard !!!!
12:03 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
alpha till now...
during my alpha time.. i spent 30% study, 35 % playing table tennis, 10 % play basketball, 15 % missing somebody, 5 % with friends and coursemate and another 5 % being alone... like isn't so interesting after all.. but tat year.. my life change.. is it because i come to mmu n i learned something called " unfair " ?, " betray" ?, " lies"?, and etc n etc.. wat a shame cos all i learned here are negative stuff.. sigh... and ya.. it took me 1 year ++ to forget something or maybe some1.. swt.. >.>
it's ok.. when i'm in beta i started to treasured most of the friends around me and started to join some activities and get myself active and busy... but GOD stirke me again.. i was so called like promoted o something.. friends trusted me and i being appointed with some important tasks.. is it a good sign ? n i met some1.. again is it a good sign ? throughout whole beta year.. i went through hundred of different experiences.. 1st time clubbing in malacca also started here.. 1st time ask a girl for hp also.. and many more.. n all along this beta year i had been hurt alot... ya it's alot.. ouch.. when think back also feel sakit hati..
never mind.. when come to gamma.. i tot things will started to change and become better.. but who knows.. it become even worst.. but.. something good is here.. i finally got my own ttc gang.. but good things never last long.. our relationship started to goes downhill because of many arguement and " bu shuang ".. this year i spent 40% table tennis, 25% study, 20% being alone and 15% being friends... this year.. one of the biggest even i ever organized happened which is intervarsity tournament..
n now... i spent 20% table tennis, 30%s study, 40% being alone, 10% being with friends.. tat is till today..
what about u ?? is it u spent 49% being with friends, 39% being alone, 10% missing, 1.9 % for family and 0.1 % for some1 u called dear ?
think back... why i never spent anytime with some1 i called dear from alpha till now ? maybe it not even till 0.1 she spent her time with me.. ='(
4:35 PM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
bicycle ride...
well... hubert bought a half K bicycle.. so... i took it for a ride tonight...
time : 130am
date : 27/07/08
location : my house
here it goes.. 1st thing i went pass tc spring.. then i went to tmn kerjasama.. i saw some1 car and before that i tot washing clothes using hands really need to take hours n hours... ok no doubt.. i trust my 1st feeling.. something isn't right.. i hate ppl lie to me.. dammit !!!
it's ok.. i continue cycling with my sucky feeling !!! the moment i almost reached petronas i saw 2 dogss ! wth dogs again ! i damn sensitive to this word " dog " !!! worst come to worst.. they chase me.. it's ok.. with the " LeRun" bike i can ride fast !! i left them behind.. continue i went pass al-rahmat.. super many ppl there.. too shy to go there have my own supper.. so i went 7-11 and help hubert buy a loaf of bread..
n ya now.. i'm here.. safely back home.. i'm still in one piece but my heart is in million and billions... hate that feeling..
2:35 AM
is it really under control ??
ever think of something or everything u do are under control ? or even anything u going into are under control ?? usually i always confidence with things tat i going for and things i'm working for... i believe in myself for everything i want it to be n even thou it is not as prefect as i wan it to be but at least there are 80% of my ideal results.. or something things might be better than i tot !? hmmm...
but... and but again.. triple buttt.... wat if things aren't under ur control but u always think u are manage to control the whole situation ??? have u ever experienced it before ?? or are u experiencing it now ??? must be wondering now huh ?
to be honest... i'm having this problems again n again... the things i always tot i already had it or even i already think i own it actually aren't belong to me at all... must be thinking of why i'm so careless and always miss count right ? i'm not stupid at all just that i'm blur and trust with those stupid and nonsense stories that made up by some ppl !!! i could said i gave u my trust but yet u think i'm barking... am i just a dog to u ? wth !!! i could just imagine if one day there isn't any1 be there for me if i keep on making out stories like tat.. so think careful before u saying something that irresponsible !!!
from my YM and MSN status u can see that i'm tired in both chinese and english... i'm really tired of this thingy.. maybe i should really make my moves and also let it be like how it should be like..
seem like there are really many n many things that couldn't be in control by me... but u ? u can change things in just a " donwan " o any reasons... super dissapointed.. and damn mad of u... tell me GOD ! why this world is so unfair ?? hiahz.. but no matter how loud i shout there isn't any answer for me but all doubt to come appear... i hate being like tat..
under control again.... once awhile i really think that i'm under control about a friendship... but this kind of thing isn't that u wan control then can control... this friend left me ( althou we are still friend ) but then we isn't as close as before anymore... yet because of some reason and problems that's why conflict occurs.. i really treasured u as my friend !! just hope it will be fine the next time we meet each others.. thanks for everything my friend...
btw... ever think of why things isn't under ur control ? i think of some..
1. cos u are too nice to some1 that make some1 don care about u
2. cos u are too nice to some1 that some1 dono how to repay u so some1 start to avoid u
3. cos u never know wat is happening
4. cos u are such a loser ( like me !!!!)
5. cos u are blinked with some stupid stories and reasons ??
there are hundred tat i listed out.. but wat for right ?? sometime something couldn't be change o mayb i really should be more determine in wat i wan and wat isn't FULL OWN by me i should have give it away...
again... and again and triple again !!!!! = (again * 2 )*2*2*2 = again x 16.. this is wat we called maths !!!!
before this post ends.. ask urself...
" is it all really under ur control ??? "
i'm not.. but i hope u all are...
2:09 AM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Choong Wen's Table Tennis Open
11:15 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
another random one..
have u ever experience it before ?
the feeling of being in love...
i wonder how it really feel like..
is the feeling only last for awhile ?
o is it last forever ?
is there really forever ?
o there isn't any forever ?
i wonder again...
i love u
but do u really love me ?
do u ever think about me ?
or even care about me ?
or even worst do u would ever jeolous if i'm with some other girls ?
what is the feeling when u are in relationship ?
feeling great ?
o feeling even worst than before ?
a couple can't hold each others hands in public ?
is it because of shy-ness ?
or is it because of scared others to see ?
do u really need me ?
sometimes u do really need me..
but sometime u could just ignore me like u dono me..
who am i to u ?
just used me ?
just a toy ?
clear my doubt plss...
12:00 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
nothing much happened recently tat's why i seldom update my blog.. happy happy everyday.. happy and go luck.. i felt like i back to the past.. kinda like tat feeling cos everything seem to go smooth n everything seem to be alright... wat things worried is money.. hahha..
but but but... * again*
this morning i got another stupid sms again... a sms i feel tat really drive me mad again.. i'm confuse and once again i declare i'm lost.. i dono who to trust and dono who i should listen and dono what i should believe.. but truth is truth !!
life never go smooth.. sure something will happen.. but why is it everytime the same thing keep on repeating ? why god give us a feeling called " insecure "? tat makes us so misearable !!! sigh..
11:16 PM
MMU Olympic
hmm.. MMU olympic ? do u know wat is it o not huh ?? but i think " Olympic " is quite familiar lak..
well.. actually mmu olympic is a game tat combine of varies of sports like table tennis, badminton, volleyball, tennis, and many many more lak.. and the concept or objective is actually to have different club joining different sports..
but but but... almost all club members joined back their own sports.. haihz.. just like us ! table tennis.. u can see all the familiar faces back to the table and compete the same opponents.. can't it be more new opponents out there in mmu tat can join the different sports ? haihz... why it always kiang meng, yee fan, yoke siang, dr gan n zhi yong.. not to mention me ! why ah ? but this year added another so called state player.. he clarifies tat " I WAT ALSO HAVE !! JUST SCARED TAT I GOT NO OPPONENTSSS !!!" wat the hell.. i think u wat also don have lor just got many opponent !! dude.. think twice before u said something.. cos u will "die like a frog being squeeze by a car" <<-- translate from mati katak " dude.. u not even can beat our ah wee and ghee oon !!!
ok stop tat... back to the mmu olympic ! something i really bu shuang is tat ! why badminton got bag along with medals but other sports game don have ?? arghh... so unfair even wilson is tennis sponsors also don have the bag !!! arghhhhhhhh................................................ why ah ???
ok.. now the closing ceremony.. it's a fairly good one i could say.. n thank to all the committee for the hard works.. hahha...
10:56 PM